Friday, April 3, 2009

Interesting People

As an employee who works for the public my Christianity can not be flamboyant or harsh in any way. My job is to serve... everyone. I can not take my beliefs, project them into my job and refuse to serve people whom I obviously would disagree with in life style choices. A man came to the library today wearing makeup, earrings, a head band and nail polish. His voice was deep and he had facial hair. Not to mention I went to high school with him. My heart sunk and immediately my thoughts became judgemental. How could I serve him? How could I allow myself to be in the presence of such wickedness? Right... geez as if Jesus never surrounded himself with people that every one else judged. What is wrong with me. I long to have a soft and gentle spirit and somehow I spew meanness. I am continuesly coming up short. So, I ask God to help. The man sits in our boat and plays on his phone. When he does come up to the desk I ask God for peace and to engage my service attitude. I help him and find myself unable to move past his make up. Why does he wear it, I wonder. Not all women wear make up. Then I wonder, why do I wear make up...

to cover up what I really look like.

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